Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stonehenge and My Biggest Problem With It.

Stonehenge is generally accepted as a  calendar created by the Druids to mark the Winter and Summer Solstices.

So far...this is the only agreed upon reason for its existence.  I am bothered by this.  Quite unnaturally, I may add.  The thinking here is, based on the fact that the Earth makes its circumnavigation of the sun at precise intervals  (give or take a day) It is not that far a stretch to think that one could simply count the days and know that the event is on it's way.  I see this as the sole reason that calendars on the whole ought to have existed LONG before we give people credit for inventing them. 

When one accepts the theory that if the same thing happens at the same time year after year, folks would begin to sense a pattern and create some method of notification to direct this.  Let's say that every 2nd Friday, some big German comes to my door and punches me in the nose.  I can tell you that after three or four of these unexpected occurrences, I would be ready on the fourth or fifth with a surprise.  It all comes down to patterns.  As early man began to understand seasons and time with his forays into agriculture, these lessons would be learned.  This is key here.  When your life depends on something, you take ZERO chances. 

So where does the need of marking the solstices come in?  My one stretch here is that I am assuming that they could count.  That sounds like basic understanding to you and me, but the zero hadn't even been invented then.  Let alone the alphabet.  It takes a fantastic imaginationary leap to assume that early man could count.  But that's where I'm going here.  I think they could. 

The second part of my problem is, based on the understanding they could count...why go to the expense of building Stonehenge to prove the counting?  Was it just to check their math?  To prove that "Hey!  I was right....again!  That's 45 years in a row?"  That would get old fast.

I take these two assumptions (A) Early man could notice the changes in seasons followed a pretty static pattern,  and (B) That early man had some rudimentary form of counting that allowed him to see when the right time was to plant his barley and wonder why build it?  I could see reasons.  Build out of stone because wood rots and big because small scale just doesn't have the permanence.  That gives me the reason why it was made like it was, but doesn't address the necessity for proving the same thing year in and year out.

I have a theory regarding this.  My thinking is that the seasons were not predictable then.  Perhaps there were celestial mechanical changes that were occurring over time that altered the pattern of these events?    What if there was some sort of cataclysm that altered the axis of the Earth over time and made it a necessity to have a Never Wrong way of seeing when the time was right?  There is a theory out there that Plate Tectonics has it wrong.  The Earth isn't moving, it is growing.  If the circumference of the planet was in a constant state of flux, your patch of farmland would get the seasons at differing times.   if the axis of the planet flipped because of some celestial event, you would need to be able to predict the solstices and more importantly KNOW when they changed.  That theory is stretched thin when you factor that the sun still lines up right on the money now.  That there has been zero degree of change since it was build says that either (A) the theory of a growing planet is wrong or that (B) the planet has stopped growing.

That leads me to think that something caused the planet to grow....something caused the planet to change.  Something that lasted for a time long enough to warrant racial memory to force mankind the world over to watch the skies carefully for any further alterations.  Throughout civilizations...the Celts of Brittan, The Mayans...the Toltecs, the Chinese, the Assyrians...they have watched the skies.

I just sit here and ask "Why?"

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